Baby Beach Tents

Baby Beach Tents – It is coming up to summer and the holidays on the beach are fast becoming a reality. If you are the mother of small children you know what a mixed blessing that can be. On the one hand, you want your baby or small child to enjoy the beach but on the other, it seems a place fraught with danger. One way to keep your baby safe is to consider buying a baby beach tent for the summer.

Types of tent

Baby beach tents are different from those used by adults as they focus more on keeping babies safe from the sun and sand. Exposure to the sun is dangerous for delicate skins but babies can be notoriously difficult to keep hats on and they wriggle strenuously away from attempts to apply sun cream. Add to that the need to be able to allow baby to sleep at some point during the day and a baby beach tent comes into its own.

From a practical point of view, the majority of beach tents aimed at babies have UV-filtered and treated fabrics to protect against the sun. They are usually in bright primary colors or cute pastels, often with cartoon characters on them identifying the nature of their occupants.

They tend to be smaller than family beach tents and include netting to keep out bugs and zip closure to ensure that the baby cannot decide to crawl away down the beach.

Choosing a baby beach tent

Baby Beach Tents

A priority must be that the tent is sturdy enough for the baby to be safe inside but easy to assemble. Any mother knows just how much stuff you need to take with you to meet a baby’s needs. The beach tent needs to be lightweight, easy to put up and down, and easy to carry. The best types are those with their carry case with handles you can sling over your shoulder leaving your hands free to concentrate on baby. UV protection is a must. Parents need to keep their children safe from the sun.

After that, the issues are those of cost and taste. It is even more important when buying products for small children that you research what is available. Read reviews, and ask friends. A good retailer will allow you to take the baby beach tent out of its bag and have a go at putting it up and down. You need a floor covering on your baby beach tent. Children will eat sand if it is there! A certain amount of ventilation is also important as a baby can overheat very quickly, so look for a baby beach tent with vents. It is a false economy to skimp on cost if the product is inadequate and your baby is not comfortable in it.

The designs of baby beach tents vary from cute to bright and cheerful. Which design you choose is very much a matter of personal taste but gender-neutral designs will make your tent more useful for a range of children.

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